Tell your local government leaders now is NOT the time to raise property taxes.

Sign the petition below!

Sign the petition

Texans are fed up with property taxes — and with many families still struggling to get back on their feet after the pandemic, now is not the time to raise property taxes again. Sign the petition to tell your elected officials in Hays and Comal counties to adopt the “no new revenue” rate — meaning property taxes will stay the same — or adopt a lower tax rate to actually cut your tax bill.

Signing this petition will send the following message to your local taxing entities:

Dear Elected or Appointed Official,

As one of your constituents I’m asking you to adopt the “no new revenue” tax rate or a lower rate — because now is not the time for our property taxes to go up again!

The “no new revenue” rate is the new name for the effective tax rate. You can find a definition on the Texas Comptroller’s website.

Again, please adopt the “no new revenue” rate or a lower tax rate in your budget meetings.


Your Name

(Are you an elected or appointed official? Take the pledge to adopt the “no new revenue” rate, or a lower rate, to show your support for low taxes!)